South Tampa Cardiology is known for being a cutting-edge and advanced cardiology and imaging center. With the latest technologies and trusted team, this pioneering practice can enhance the diagnoses and prevention of heart disease. Focusing on preventative cardiology, Dr. Alberto Morales, M.D., is disrupting the industry of cardiovascular care in many ways. Most notably, because he is the only cardiologist in the state of Florida providing stunningly clear images of the heart and arteries using the Arineta SpotLight™ Duo CT scanner.

The Revolutionary Benefits of CT Scanning Technology

For more than 100 years, heart disease has been the number one killer in America. And yet, while we regularly have colonoscopies and cancer screenings, very few people have preventative heart health screenings. In fact, the vast majority of people never visit a cardiologist until there is something wrong.

But now, through the science of CT Angiograms and CT Scanners like the Arineta SpotLight™ Duo CT, we can have simple screenings that provide stunningly clear images of the heart and cardiovascular system, making it possible to catch potential heart problems and treat those problems long before they become serious or life threatening.

At South Tampa Cardiology, one of the fastest growing patient segments is younger people, between 35 – 45 years old. Through this simple 10-second scan, they can determine if there are early signs of heart disease. If so, their condition can be treated and managed with medications to prevent the problem from progressing.

Far Most Effective Than Stress Tests and Other Technologies

For years, the standard preventative cardiac test in America has been the stress test. The problem is, just because someone passes a stress test does not mean they do not have serious heart disease. In fact, at South Tampa Cardiology we have seen hundreds of patients who passed their stress test with flying colors, only to discover through their CT Angiogram that they have major blockages or serious heart disease. “Patients repeatedly assume that because their stress test was fine or their echo-cardiogram was fine, that they’re not at risk,” says Dr. Morales. “But actually a stress test can miss a potential cardiac problem up to 60% of the time. How can we manage heart disease if we don’t even know it’s there? With the CT Scanner I become a cardiac photographer and that allows me to capture very clear pictures and see what’s going on. The guy who can get the best pictures is able to give the best information.”

What Sets The Arineta SpotLight™ Duo CT Scanner Apart

CT Scanning technology has been around for many years. The problem is that many of the scanners, especially in hospitals, are older. These older machines expose patients to a higher level of radiation. They also require a higher level of contrast. But the cutting edge technology of the Arineta SpotLight™ Duo CT scanner provides clearer images than other scanners with far less radiation and far less contrast. “It’s revolutionized where CT will be, I anticipate, over the next 10-15 years,” says Dr. Morales. “But we’re already doing it here at South Tampa Cardiology.”

Better Images

The Arineta Spotlight CT scanner employs imaging techniques that are synchronized with a single heartbeat, providing Dr. Morales with exceptionally clear images of the patient’s coronary arteries. By capturing images at the optimal moment during the cardiac cycle, the Arineta Spotlight Duo CT Scanner overcomes the challenges associated with cardiac motion and pulsation, which often compromise image quality in traditional scanners.

Safer for Patients

The reduced radiation emissions of Arineta Spotlight CT scans mean that patients can undergo imaging procedures more frequently without concerns about excessive radiation exposure. This enables healthcare providers to monitor patients more regularly, which is crucial for detecting subtle changes in heart health over time.

Increased Screening Opportunities

With lower radiation doses, healthcare providers may recommend more frequent CT scans for individuals at risk of heart disease, such as those with a family history or other risk factors. Increased screening opportunities allow for earlier detection of potential heart problems, even before symptoms become apparent.

Better Monitoring of Treatment Progress

For patients already diagnosed with heart disease or undergoing treatment, regular monitoring is essential to assess the effectiveness of interventions and track disease progression. The reduced radiation emissions of Arineta Spotlight CT scans make it feasible to monitor patients more frequently, providing healthcare providers with valuable insights into treatment efficacy and any changes in the patient’s condition.

Early Intervention and Prevention

Early detection is key to preventing the progression of heart disease and reducing the risk of complications such as heart attacks or strokes. By enabling more frequent monitoring with lower radiation doses, Arineta Spotlight CT scans empower healthcare providers to identify subtle changes in heart health at an earlier stage, allowing for timely interventions and lifestyle modifications to prevent further damage.

Improved Patient Compliance

Since Arineta Spotlight CT scans offer a safer imaging option with reduced radiation exposure, patients may be more inclined to adhere to recommended monitoring schedules. This improved compliance enhances the effectiveness of preventive strategies and contributes to better long-term outcomes for patients at risk of heart disease.

Lower Cost – Only $400

To make this life-saving technology available to as many people as possible, South Tampa Cardiology makes provides these CT Scans for only $400. “ We have a $400 cash pay price and that includes a coronary calcium score as well as a coronary CT Angiogram,” says Dr. Morales. “ This allows us to screen a lot more patients and do what I want to do, preventative cardiology and saving lives.

Experience The Revolutionary Power of Florida’s Only CT Cardiograph

Dr. Alberto Morales and his quality team can revolutionize your heart health journey with the Arineta Spotlight Duo CT Scanner. With a robust range of cardiovascular services, our team at South Tampa Cardiology can treat you with the utmost care, knowledge, and customization. Get in contact with us today to schedule a consultation.