Millions of Americans face a silent threat: heart disease. It’s the leading cause of death, impacting people of all ages and backgrounds. From your daily habits to your family history, many factors can put you at risk. But here’s the good news: with proactive measures, you can significantly reduce your chances.

At South Tampa Cardiology, we believe prevention is key. That’s why we offer comprehensive cardiovascular assessments to identify any potential issues before they become serious. Let’s dive deeper into what these assessments are and how they can empower you to take charge of your heart health.

What is a comprehensive cardiovascular assessment?

A comprehensive cardiovascular assessment is a form of preventative heart care. Using a variety of tests and screenings, it provides a detailed overview of your heart and vascular system. At South Tampa Cardiology, our all-encompassing evaluations include the following:

  • Electrocardiogram EKG: We’ll start with a medical consultation and an electrocardiogram (EKG), which measures your heart’s electrical activity.
  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Ultrasound: This screening checks for abdominal aortic aneurysms, a potentially life-threatening enlargement of the aorta.
  • Echocardiogram: This test uses sound waves to create images of your heart, providing insight into its size, shape, and function.
  • Carotid Ultrasound: This scan examines the carotid arteries in your neck to identify any blockages or abnormalities.
  • Ankle Brachial Index (ABI): This test measures blood pressure in your ankles and arms to assess blood flow to your extremities.
  • CT Calcium Score with Coronary CTA: This CT scan measures calcium buildup in your coronary arteries, helping identify potential blockages.

After the assessment, we’ll schedule a follow-up visit to review the results and discuss the next steps.

How do you evaluate cardiovascular disease?

One of the main purposes of preventative heart care is to identify signs of cardiovascular disease. To do this, we use a combination of personalized evaluations and state-of-the-art technology. We’ll start by learning more about your health, including your individual risk factors. Then, we’ll apply our technology to obtain detailed images of your heart.

Our team uses the Arineta SpotLight™ Duo CT scanner—the world’s only dedicated, one-heartbeat, whole-heart cardiovascular CT scanner. This advanced tool allows for the following:

  • High-resolution imaging with 560 slices per rotation
  • Ultra-fast rotation speed of 0.24 seconds
  • Comprehensive axial coverage of 14 cm per rotation

Combined with other diagnostic tools like ultrasounds and EKGs, we can detect and evaluate issues such as blockages, aneurysms and abnormal heart rhythms. Once we’ve gained an overview of your heart health, we’ll build a personalized plan tailored around your unique needs, symptoms and medical history.

Why are cardiovascular assessments important?

Preventative heart care can go a long way toward preserving your overall health. Here are a few top benefits of cardiovascular assessments:

  • Early detection: By identifying cardiovascular issues early on, you reduce the risk of complications and help ensure timely treatment.
  • Improved prognosis: Early detection allows you to proactively protect your health, which increases the likelihood of successful treatment and recovery.
  • Reduced costs: In addition to reducing the risk of complications, early detection can help reduce long-term costs by preventing more severe, costly heart complications.
  • Personalized care: Every person has their own unique health needs and cardiovascular risk factors. Comprehensive assessments deliver personalized information, ensuring that your treatment plan is tailored specifically to your needs.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing the state of your cardiovascular health provides valuable peace of mind and reduces anxiety.

Whether you’re worried about a family history of heart disease or are experiencing symptoms, cardiovascular assessments can help.

Protect Your Heart Health Today at South Tampa Cardiology

Ready to take control of your heart health? Our cardiology clinic in Tampa is here to help. At South Tampa Cardiology, we provide comprehensive, personalized care that’s tailored around your precise needs. Our thorough assessments, combined with our high-quality technology and evaluations, deliver all the information you need about your cardiovascular well-being. Using this information, we’ll create a treatment plan designed to fortify your heart and boost long-term health and wellness.

Don’t wait for heart problems to occur—act now and invest in a healthier, happier future. Contact us today to schedule your cardiovascular evaluation!